A droplet is created using a pre-defined Image. Users can select from nearly 40 Public Images or from snapshots and backups previously created.
>>>d0.create_snapshot(name='My New Snapshot')
>>>images = d0.get_image(1860934)
>>>images = d0.get_all_images()
| Ubuntu | None | True | 1505699 | Ubuntu 13.10 x64 |
| Ubuntu | None | True | 1608711 | Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 12.10 (Nginx + Unicorn) |
| CentOS | None | True | 1646467 | CentOS 6.5 x64 |
| CentOS | None | True | 1646732 | CentOS 6.5 x32 |
| Ubuntu | None | True | 1687372 | Redmine on Ubuntu 12.04 |
| Ubuntu | None | True | 1860934 | Ghost 0.4.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 |
| Ubuntu | None | True | 2105243 | GitLab 6.5.1 CE |
| Ubuntu | None | True | 2118237 | Dokku-v0.2.1 on Ubuntu 13.04 |
| Ubuntu | None | True | 2158507 | Docker 0.8 Ubuntu 13.04 x64 |
This method allows you to destroy an image. There is no way to restore a deleted image so be careful and ensure your data is properly backed up.
Method to update Image (primarily used to update ip information)
https://api.digitalocean.com/events/[event_id]/? client_id=[your_client_id]&api_key=[your_api_key]
Convenience method to return the percentage of event completion
This method allows you to transfer an image to a specified region.
Parameters: |